Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sorting through the spam emails

This week, I’ve won the Spanish lottery, the British lottery and a Dutch lottery. I’ve inherited hundreds of thousands of dollars from a “relative” in Asia and a “former business partner” of mine just died and left me another few million dollars.

I also won the Greencard lottery, and all I need to do is wire $890 to a suspicious foreign account.

I’ve received an “unbeatable voucher” for hair removal and I’ve had the offer to buy – not earn – diplomas in several professional fields of study. I think I might choose to be a doctor, or should I get a diploma for blogging?

All I can think of when I receive all this spam is the television ad featuring an elderly man in front of a computer who yells to his wife “Honey, I just won the Australian lottery!” She calmly replies, “Did you ever play the Australian lottery?” and he says “No.” “Then how could you win?”

I haven’t played or entered any of these lotteries. Perhaps it’s time to figure out why my spam filter isn’t working properly on my work email.



Anonymous Kaitlyn Yeager said...

I'm actually seriously considering starting a blog dedicated to the spam I get at work. Over the past 2 days, it's been someone who "found my profile," something in Arabic, an investment opportunity worth $20,000,000, something in Spanish, an invitation to but "a Military Spec, Waterproof, Tactical Flashlight with High Quality Video Camera built right in," and something in Chinese, lol. That's a pretty light day, too.

April 13, 2011 at 1:51 PM 

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